Fenway Park Gluten Free Guide – Hot Dogs, Cookies, Beer and Kettle Corn!

I’m a big Red Sox fan, and am so happy that the Red Sox love me back by offering gluten free food and drinks at Fenway Park! Back in the day, I used to go to baseball games and bring my own hot dog buns, then ask to read the labels on the hot dog packages or try to get confirmation from a manager that there’s no gluten in the hot dogs. Often, I got blank stares from the concession stand workers and would slink away, feeling bad (and hungry). But those days are gone! This Fenway Park Gluten Free Guide will give you all the details.
It was date night and my husband and I had tickets to see the Red Sox. My brother and sister-in-law drove in for a last-minute Memorial Day weekend visit with their kids, and decided to crash our date. They bought tickets near us and we had a blast, stuffing ourselves with food and enjoying a great game.
At Fenway Park, they know how to do gluten free. They understand the risks of cross-contamination, and have a separate food cart (at the Home Plate Concourse) which carries gluten free items. They have soft buns for their hot dogs, and packets of condiments so that you don’t have to share the communal jugs of ketchup and mustard with the glutenous masses. If you want chopped onions, you’ll still have to share from this metal onion dispenser (yuck!). This isn’t the most attractive photo of a hot dog, but I can tell you that it was delicious. (Get in mah belly!)
Here’s a link to the Fenway Park Concessions Guide. Scroll down to “Gluten Free/Friendly” for a list of locations where you can get gluten free options. Here’s another link to the Fenway Park Concessions Map to show where in the park you can find those locations.
They used to carry gluten free pizza, and their website still lists it as available, but I didn’t see any suggestion of it. Last season, I went to Fenway during opening weekend and saw signs for gluten free pizza, but was told that they were not selling it. Not sure if they discontinued it completely, or if it is only available sometimes, but I didn’t even see any signs offering gluten free pizza during this outing.
For those of you who drink, they sell gluten free beer! Redbridge is sold not just at this gluten free food cart, but at some other beer stands throughout the park. Here I am enjoying a Redbridge from our front row seats with my sister-in-law, Dianne. Yes, we had matching Red Sox jackets that we bought earlier in the day. She’s from New York, so we couldn’t risk her being outed as a New Yorker. Thankfully she’s not a Yankees fan. 🙂
If you like following up your gluten free hot dog with sweets, you’re in luck because they sell gluten free cookies at that stand as well! There were two brands, and I chose this one. Here’s a photo of the ingredient list too. It contains eggs (which I’m OK with) and soy (shh, don’t tell my skin!)..
I haven’t checked on whether the ice cream is gluten free, but that may be another option for dessert as well.
And, of course, I had eat to everything I could get my hands on, so we got this giant column of kettle corn, which was ridiculously good. I couldn’t finish it – it was that large – so I brought it home and finished it off the next day, hiding it from my kids because I wanted it for myself. And I don’t know if it was truly dairy free, so I wouldn’t risk giving it to my allergic son, but that doesn’t excuse me from not sharing with the other one. (Bad Mommy.) I’ll have to make them some homemade kettle corn to alleviate my guilt and get back in their good graces.
We were at Fenway on the day of Wally the Green Monster’s birthday, and they even had a birthday cake for him. I’m willing to bet that this cake isn’t gluten free, but it sure was cute. Would love to see how they made it. I snapped this photo as they wheeled it by us – we had awesome seats!
To top off a great gluten-free feeding frenzy, it was a really exciting game and the Red Sox won, beating the Angels. And I got to sing Sweet Caroline at the top of my lungs. Thank you Red Sox and Fenway Park for making part of Fenway Park gluten free!
Did I miss any gluten free offerings? Do you have tips for others going to baseball games? Please leave a comment and let us know!
This was so helpful. Good for you! I have had the gluten-free pizza at Fenway a couple of years ago. The cook was so good he put on gloves he took very good care. No cross-contamination. I am going to the ball game today and I will buy the beer, the popcorn, a hotdog and a cookie with my granddaughter who is also Celiac.
Thanks Lorraine! I hope you enjoyed your latest visit! 🙂
It’s not really a hot dog if it has ketchup on it. I thought you could get arrested or at least thrown out for using ketchup on a hot dog at Fenway!
I’ve never heard of such a thing and I grew up around here! To each his own 🙂
Can you bring in food or snacks for child with allergies?
It doesn’t look like there is any food options for my 14 year old who is allergic to dairy, gluten, nuts, sesame, eggs, and beef.
Hi Harper, I believe their policy is that you cannot bring in your own food but you should try contacting guest services to explain your situation and perhaps they will let you bring in something with a doctor’s note. Years ago they didn’t say anything when I brought in small snacks in my purse but they have gotten a lot more strict about what you’re allowed to bring into the ballpark in general. Good luck.