Category: Holidays and Events

Tips for holidays and events when you have multiple food allergies and sensitivities

Review Vermont Nut Free Chocolates - Fearless Food Allergy Mom

Review of Vermont Nut Free Chocolates

One of the things I love about being involved in the food allergy community is meeting other people fighting the fight! I have crossed paths with Mark from Vermont Nut Free Chocolates at several events over the years. I love that he makes chocolates free of peanuts and tree nuts! Unfortunately with my son’s multiple food allergies and my many sensitivities, we were not able to sample their products.  But my son has recently outgrown his egg and milk allergies (or so it seems – he eats lots of cheese and dairy products but I have yet to give him...

Tips for a Food Allergy Friendly Vacation - Fearless Food Allergy Mom .com

Allergy Awareness Week: Tips For Having a Food Allergy Friendly Vacation

Back in April, it was Allergy Awareness Week in the U.K. I was so honored to be a guest blogger for Foods You Can, a great site based in England, where you can search for info on products, recipes and restaurants that cater to multiple food allergies. (They have sites based in the U.S. and Canada too. Check it out!) You can search by each of the top 8 allergens, as well as things like sesame free, salt free, yeast free and MSG free – it’s pretty cool. My guest post was entitled Allergy Awareness Week: Tips for Having an...

Fearless Food Allergy Mom - Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo

Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo Ticket Giveaway!

So sometimes, all of this dealing with food allergies and sensitivities makes me feel like a crabby old lady. Going to the grocery store can put me into a funk. It’s great that there are so many gluten free and allergy-friendly products on the shelves nowadays, but it feels like I can eat like 0.04 percent of them because I’m sensitive to a million other things. Some days I don’t even bother getting my hopes up and won’t look at new gluten free products. Because of that, I’m sure there are great gluten free products our there that I haven’t...

Fenway Park Gluten Free -

Fenway Park Gluten Free Guide – Hot Dogs, Cookies, Beer and Kettle Corn!

I’m a big Red Sox fan, and am so happy that the Red Sox love me back by offering gluten free food and drinks at Fenway Park! Back in the day, I used to go to baseball games and bring my own hot dog buns, then ask to read the labels on the hot dog packages or try to get confirmation from a manager that there’s no gluten in the hot dogs. Often, I got blank stares from the concession stand workers and would slink away, feeling bad (and hungry). But those days are gone! This Fenway Park Gluten Free...

Easter with Food Allergies -

Easter With Food Allergies

Celebrating Easter with food allergies can be a challenge, but here are some tips for Easter egg hunts and baskets, and recipes to make your Easter safe and happy for everyone! Easter Egg Hunt Those plastic Easter eggs that kids hunt for are often filled with chocolates, jelly beans and other candies that contain allergens. If there’s an allergic child in the group, here are some ideas: 1. This is my favorite one – Label the eggs with small stickers, one sticker design for each child in the hunt. For example, one child gets the eggs with the soccer stickers...

Honey Baked Ham Recipe - Fearless Food Allergy Mom

Holiday Honey Baked Ham Recipe

I make this honey baked ham almost every Easter and always get rave reviews. Last year I made it alongside a turkey at Thanksgiving, because we just need to have a crazy amount of food – that’s how we roll. People think it tastes just like a ham from the Honeybaked Ham store – but it’s way less expensive! I just buy a spiral cut ham from the big box store and throw away the nasty glaze packet, which usually has gluten and soy in it. This is a very easy recipe. The hardest part may be finding pear juice...

Green Beans Recipe - Fearless Food Allergy Mom

Green Beans With Fresh Vinaigrette

This green beans recipe is a great one for rounding out a holiday meal. Have you noticed that in a lot of holiday menus, all of the vegetables have been cooked in a casserole or roasted until they are limp? Not intentional, I’m sure, because everyone has those favorite recipes, smothered in sauce. But it’s nice to have a veggie dish that’s crisp and fresh to serve alongside those traditional casseroles. Here’s a recipe that I think you’ll enjoy, and it’s so simple to make. It’s cooked only briefly on the stove top, so it won’t take much of your...

Fearless Food Allergy Mom - Valentines Day and Food Allergies

Valentines Day and Food Allergies

Am I the only one who hates that so many holidays revolve around food? Thanksgiving is one thing, but Valentine’s Day? All those chocolates, candies and chocolate-covered everythings annoy me because I can’t have any of it. Diamonds and precious stones are much better at demonstrating affection, don’t you think? (My son thinks Lego gifts show love.) Aside from that, Valentine’s Day is tough for little kids with food allergies. So many kids exchange candy and chocolates with their valentines, and those individual candy packages don’t have ingredients listed. Thus, children with allergies can’t have the treats their friends give...

Six Tips for Going to Birthday Parties With Food Allergies

Birthday parties can be so tough for little kids with food allergies, and very stressful for their parents. With pizza, ice cream and cake as standard party fare, going to kids’ birthday parties with food allergies can be difficult. Whether the food allergic child is the birthday kid or a guest, each scenario has its own challenges. (I’ll be posting soon about hosting a party for your own child with food allergies!) For allergic kids attending parties, here are some things that work for us: 1. Bring food that is either special, or similar to what’s being served. Bringing your own food is...

Fearless Food Allergy Mom - Best Nut Free Granola


Help for Multiple Food Allergies, Eczema and Asthma If you have landed here, you are likely an individual or parent dealing with multiple food allergies and sensitivities, eczema, and/or asthma, and trying to live a normal life. I’m right there with you! This site is full of info about everything related to multiple food allergies, eczema and asthma, including tips and recipes, all to help make your life easier. I hope you find this blog useful. If you have a question, comment or suggestion for a post, please let me know. In the coming weeks, I will add even more tips, allergy-free recipes, product...

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